Forgotten yesterdays...

Friday, June 30, 2006

26. What do I have in turn?

I have not written anything in English such a long time. My loneliness is just going on and on and on... and on... with time. No matter what I do ,... no matter how I try, i could not get rid of my deep loneliness. All my loved one is not here. They are so far away from me. I miss them so much, especially my sweet heart and my mom. My mom is working so hard to support me to be in Canada, what do I have in turn???

Honey, thinking of my of you is the only way to keep me happy. You are the reason for me to survive in this world. You know I miss you so much but you do not care about my feelings. You just keep silent! Do you know that your silence is killing me?

You are the light in my life, you are the inspiration. When you hold me tight, everything becomes alright. Your undying faith is what keeps the flame of our love alive... but why do not you care about me???

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

25. My loneliness is going on

Song ma ko co hanh phuc va Tinh yeu thi that la vo nghia... Do la dieu ma ai cung biet, cung co the nghe va noi ra nhung nhieu khi vat chat, danh vong va cai goi la "peer pressure" khien cho nguoi ta co su lua chon khac va nhieu khi la sai lam. Neu nhu co the lam tat ca nhu y minh muon thi cuoc song dau co don gian nhu vay. Ap luc tu gia dinh, ban be va xa hoi day nguoi ta vao su be tac... Cuoc song bon chen va ban ron khien cho nguoi ta met moi va khi tam tri con nguoi da qua cang thang, nguoi ta co nhung quyet dinh khac voi luong tam va trai tim ho mong muon...