Forgotten yesterdays...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

44. Buc thu tinh chua gui!

Canh khuya that yen tinh, co mot nguoi chot nhan ra minh nho mot nguoi... Tuong rang la da quen nhung... Anh! Em nho anh! Em muon noi voi anh rang em van nho va yeu anh nhieu lam! Noi nho anh da vuot len su kieu hanh va long tu ai cua em. Em goi dien ve cho de nghe giong anh noi. Em muon noi chuyen voi anh,muon nghe giong anh cuoi va muon khoc nhung khoc xong roi sao, noi chuyen xong se the nao? Cuoi cung se chi con lai tieng tho dai cua anh ma thoi cho nen... Em im lang... Em thuc su rat muon khoc vi them mot lan nua em nhan ra rang tat ca...DA HET THAT ROI. Su that den bay gio van khien cho em ngo ngang. Tat ca giong nho mot giac mo... Anh da doi lua em! Nguoi dan ong duy nhat em tin tuong da lua doi em, da quay lung lai voi em, da roi xa em... Anh da xa that roi sao anh? Em co don va trong trai. Em muon quay ve de gap anh, nhung da khong con nguoi cho doi em nua. Em cam thay xung quanh minh khong con ai, trai tim voi voi noi co don bat tan...da khong con ai quan tam den em nua. Anh gio day dang hanh phuc ben nguoi con gai ay. Em han anh! Em han anh nhieu lam anh co biet khong? Nhung gi em lam cho anh, tinh cam ma em gianh cho anh... anh da phu nhan tat ca. Anh chap nhan bo di nguoi con gai da cung anh chia se buon vui trong 5 nam de den voi 1 nguoi con gai anh moi quen. Co xung dang khong anh? Em ko cam long, em khong muon chap nhan... nhung em khong lam gi hon duoc. Co ay co the dem lai cho anh nhung gi? Ben co ay, nu cuoi cua anh co hanh phuc khong? Em biet co the co ay hon em nhieu thu nhung chi co dieu co ay khong co duoc o em do la trai tim chan thanh va tha thiet yeu anh. Em chu dong noi chia tay vi trong long em da mat het long tin voi anh roi. Em khong muon khoc... em da khoc nhieu roi, nhung sao nuoc mat van cu chay tren go ma em? Tai sao em van khoc khi nghi den anh? Em khong muon don nhan nhung moi quan he moi boi trai tim em da tran ngap hinh bong anh roi. Em phai lam sao ha anh? Phai lam sao de quen anh? Phai lam sao de chap nhan su that rang anh da phan boi em, da lua doi em? Trong mat em bay gio anh chi la mot nguoi gia doi, gia doi va gia doi... Hai lan anh da khoc vi em... Gia doi het! Anh ac qua! Anh luc nao cung noi thuong em va lo lang cho em nhung neu nhu anh thuc su yeu thuong em, anh se khong voi vang roi xa em de chay den vong tay cua nguoi con gai khac trong thoi gian ngan nhu vay. Day la cach anh "thuong" em hay sao? Mua dong den roi...tuyet roi da phu kin trai tim em. Mua dong cung anh chi con la nhung ky uc dau buon... Em han anh! (Lieu em co han duoc anh hay khong?)


At 3:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's boring if you keep complaining about the old things. Really, I will believe more in what you wrote here if you don't publicly show them like this. Is it that u want him to read these lines and somehow come back? Honestly, if I were him and read these lines, I will be a little bit more tired about you.

I don't know how long you have been like this (just occasionally read your blog after your blog appear in the statistic section of my site) - but hopefully, you will be better soon.

At 10:03 AM , Blogger Yen Nguyen said...

What I wrote in this blog is not for him! He will never know and I don't want him to come back. If I want him to come back, I would not let him go. Everything I wrote in here is just for me. You don't need to read it if you don't want. I did not know that my blog would appear in the stastistic section of your site. I just wanted to add your website in my blog; therefore, it would be easy for me to read your site. Sorry for bringing sadness and boredom. And you know what? I am even tired about my self as well. Yes, You might think I'm complaining about the old things, but it does not mean I am not moving on. You don't understand me enough, please don't judge me. It really, really hurts me. I've already removed your site from my blog. Hopefully, my blog will not appear in the statistic section of your site any more. Thanks for your comment!!! Have a good day.

At 3:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get the wrong idea :) - I'm not judging you (I'm sorry if you think it that way). And yep - it's right that I don't know anything about u & that i shouldn't say anything in the first place. But well, that's what blog is for. Anyway, I hope you had a good day too :)

At 9:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yen, I came across your blogs one night while sufing on the net with a broken heart. The feelings of being lied to was not fun at all! Emotionally I was in so much pain, hurt, and numb, to a point that I became mute and reading your blogs was like reading my own diary, my own feelings, my own crying. We have so much in common that I once thought we must be lost twins somehow. Keep writing and sharing your thoughts out loud, who knows, someone out there might find comfort in you write, someone like me. I'll be checking in to see how you progress. Hope things will work out for you the way you wanted it be.

At 7:39 PM , Blogger Yen Nguyen said...

Finally, someone deeply understands my feelings and my thoughts:)I know that it is bored to keep being upset and I have tried so hard to tell myself that he is gone and though he is still with me I have been alone all a long. Yes, I write what I want and don't care about what people think about me. A gift of goodbye!!! My heart is ached till now and i am sure yours as well. Time would take all the pain away. Not completely but some how... I heard that we might spend a minute to know someone, an hour to like someone, a month to love someone but... we need a life to forget who we truly love... Anyway, Be happy and take it easy. Everything will be fine. I am trying to be my own girl...God blesses your heart. Take care!


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